Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Super rick kids with nothing but fake friends

The male artist Frank Ocean has the past year been booming on the hitlists and also on I would like to think most people's iPods. I am a fan of his latest album Channel Orange, and I have not yet become tired of the songs on this album. HIs lyrics are awesome, not just some lame words about a love story gone bad, which I would think is quite dope. I tend to become tired of the typical cliché pop songs.

Super rick kids with nothing but fake friends

Might not be the best photo, but it's me and my girl Josefine at a club in Odense called HOME. The chillest place, great tunes, and awesome dancing. It's only open on Saturdays but we tend to make it HOME. every Saturday ;) 


Monday, January 28, 2013

Oh wait, it was a dream

Sometimes I wake up wishing to open my bedroom doors and seeing this

other times I dream of going back to this

but right now, as I am sitting in this cold weather...
I wish to go back home, to this.

In San Diego, California.

But instead, I'm here. In Denmark looking something like this.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Loving memes like this... The mimic of his face is simply a genius. It's like the feeling you have when your in your own zone listening to some awesome chill hip hop music/ or whatever you may like the best and just completely forgettig about the world evolving around you. I wish I could stay in that comfort zone all day errryday.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bad habbits

So, this tends to happen quite often. The thing where I have some long gaps in between posts and updates on this blog. That might be because this blog is in some way mostly for myself I guess? I hope I still have a few readers out there, and if I do, then AWESOME! If I don't then, yeah, totally understandable. Not much has changed on my behalf. It's a new year, but some things never change. I think I'll be doing outfit of the days posts and whatever I feel like actually. This weekend I've been staying in, doing nothing but lying in my couch by myself and watching TV.

// Night, Caro